Topping-out ceremony at FREY&LAU
Decorated with a big wreath of oak leafes and ribbons the topping-out ceremony of our new distribution Center took place on friday, the 18th of October. In the tradition of this typical german ceremony the building owner invited all crafts working on the site and in our case all employees of FREY&LAU to the construction site.
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Summer Party and Jubilee
For 25 years now FREY&LAU is situated in Henstedt-Ulzburg. On this occation the executive board decided to organise a feast for every employee and their families. A big party on the company site. You could get delicious sweet oder savoury snack from a bunch of food trucks
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Christmas tradition at FREY&LAU
Instead of the usual review of our year, you will gain a little insight in FREY&LAU traditions. Every year, after the Christmas Party and before the annual stocktaking takes place the whole company gathers together in a familiar athmosphere snacking christmassy sausages.
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Fragrance Fashion Show at the SEPAWA 2018
This year’s SEPAWA (2018) started off with a premiere – Fashion and Fragrance united at the Fragrance and Fashion Show. Fashion collections created by prospective designers of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences were presented, each in line with one of the three selected fine fragrances.
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