Vaccination campaign at FREY&LAU – Together against Corona
On Wednesday, 30 June 2021, all FREY&LAU employees and their relatives had the opportunity to be vaccinated by our company doctor, Dr Taubitz.
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Sustainability at FREY&LAU
Environmental protection and cost reduction in one! FREY&LAU's incoming goods department has developed a new disposal stream, saving CO² and costs - but how exactly does it work? At FREY&LAU, 17,000 drums and approx. 800 IBCs are produced every year, which have to be disposed of at a cost - and we're not talking about pennies here, but hard euros.
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An eventful year at FREY&LAU
We would have loved to tell you about our big family event before the Christmas holidays, about the unique atmosphere at the Christmas office party or about the successful agent meeting. Because of Covid-19, however, we had to forego big parties.
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Signing of the IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Charta
On the 1st of July the IFRA-IOFI Sustainability Charta was released.
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