
Sustainability at FREY&LAU

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Environmental protection and cost reduction in one! FREY&LAU's incoming goods department has developed a new disposal stream, saving CO² and costs - but how exactly does it work? At FREY&LAU, 17,000 drums and approx. 800 IBCs are produced every year, which have to be disposed of at a cost - and we're not talking about pennies here, but hard euros.



From now on, FREY&LAU will use the empty packaging recycling capacities of our long-standing packaging supplier Witt. Since the end of May, the FREY&LAU goods receiving team has switched over the disposal stream, saving not only thousands of euros but also work steps! And by the way, a lot of CO² is also saved! The Witt lorries with the fresh packaging, which arrive at FREY&LAU up to 4 times a week, are immediately loaded with the packaging to be disposed of. This avoids CO²-wasting empty transports and simplifies handling. But FREY&LAU and Witt have not yet reached the end of the (green) road: Witt will soon be able to recycle our main packaging material, PE canisters, too! They are working on the approval of a plant that can shred PE canisters, clean them and process them by extrusion into new & inexpensive packaging materials. Our disposed quantities are enough to produce approx. 850 new IBCs, which corresponds to 18 tonnes less CO²!


