
Thank You 2016! Welcome 2017!

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The scent of vanilla, cinnamon and cloves in the air is business as usual at FREY&LAU. But when you start smelling these tempting fragrances in other places and on every corner, it is an unmistakable sign that the Advent season is in full swing and the year is coming to a close.



Time for a glance back: 2016 was an eventful and entirely successful year at FREY&LAU, which is clearly evidenced by the above-average increase in sales. But it is the people behind the numbers that make this success possible. And because we are keenly aware of THAT, their well-being and happiness is our highest priority. Another official confirmation of the employee-friendly corporate culture at FREY&LAU is the ethical audit, which we successfully passed again this year. However, our trainees and interns, who bring in lot of commitment and self-initiative to our company, are almost even nicer proof of this. The fact that they all completed their training at FREY&LAU with great success and then subsequently joined our team was distinguished by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK), which honored FREY&LAU with a Training Award this year. We are very pleased with the award – and of course with the two new trainees, whom we had the pleasure to welcome in 2016. Over the past twelve months, all of the departments worked tirelessly and dedicatedly on a variety of projects. Whether functional food or coffee capsules, shisha or e-liquid, FREY&LAU has successfully developed new product sectors, expanded microencapsulation, further advanced its application technology and created brand new possibilities for the confectionery segment in particular. In the Fragrances department, the application techniques area was completely redesigned. Our new evaluation concept will enable us to meet customer requirements even more precisely in the future. We enjoy introducing the wide range of innovations and projects to our partners and customers personally, and so in 2016, FREY&LAU was once again present at the most important trade fairs in the industry – from in-cosmetics in São Paulo and COTECA in Hamburg up to InterCHARM in Moscow. FREY&LAU can proudly look back on a successful year, one which we can wind down with a feeling of satisfaction and then start 2017 with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. We wish you a peaceful and relaxing Christmas holiday and a new year filled with good health, happiness and success.


